How to Give Her an Arousing Ass Massage

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How to Give Her an Arousing Ass Massage

Rubbing the Right Way: The Art of Arousing Ass Massages

So you want to give her an arousing ass massage? I’m no expert, but when it comes to ass massages, I’ve learned a thing or two from being married to a butt enthusiast.

Whether ass massages are an established thing or not, they’ve become a delightful part of my intimate experiences.

My hubby, a certified butt guy, is always ready to treat me to various massages – from soothing shoulder rubs to those sensual full-body massages. There’s even a hint of friskiness with those massage porn-style rubdowns when the mood strikes, or the more laid-back pillow princessy pussy massages.

But what stands out is his special affection for massaging my ass, making me truly appreciate the experience.

It’s not just about kneading my buns; it genuinely feels fantastic. Arousing ass massages have become a fun and enticing form of foreplay, setting the stage for a variety of intimate adventures.

Start with gentle touches: Begin by touching softly to make things exciting.

  • Find the tickly spots: There are some spots around the butt that feel extra nice – find them!
  • Try different touches: From round circles to fun teasing, try different touches to make it super fun.

Erogenous Zone Stimulation – How to Give Her an Arousing Ass Massage

Getting to know the special feel-good spots is like having a secret map to extra fun:

  • Play with inner thighs: The thighs on the inside can feel really good with gentle touches.
  • Tickle the lower back: Right above the butt can be really ticklish – use it to make things exciting.
  • Use gentle pressure: Some people like soft touches, and some like it a bit more – ask and find out!
Ass Massage

Intimate Massage Techniques

Being a master at giving an arousing ass massage means you can make things super special:

  • Thumb rolling trick: Try the thumb rolling trick for a little extra fun.
  • Use all kinds of touches: Mix up long, gentle touches with short, strong ones to keep it interesting.
  • Talk about it: Make sure you talk a lot to know what makes your special person feel the best.

Mutual Couples Massage Guide

Doing things together can be the most fun ever – especially massages!

  • Make a special place: Candles, music, and a comfy spot – set up a place that feels really nice.
  • Take turns: Let both of you be the boss of the massage to share the fun.
  • Tell each other how it feels: Keep checking with your person to make sure both of you are having a great time.

Sensual Massage Health Benefits

Guess what? Massages aren’t just fun – they’re also good for you!

  • Bye-bye stress: Massages can say bye-bye to stress and help you feel super chill.
  • Blood flow boost: Touching makes blood go around better, which is good for your whole body.
  • Happy feelings: Massages make you feel close to someone, making happy feelings inside.

Beginner’s Intimate Massage Tips

For all the newbies out there, here are some easy tips to start:

  • Take it slow: Start slow to get comfy with the new stuff.
  • Tell each other everything: Talk lots to make sure it feels great for both of you.
  • Just have fun: Focus on having fun together more than doing things perfectly.

Why You Want to Give Her an Arousing Ass Massage

Let’s talk about why doing this is such a good idea:

  • Feel more close: Massages make you feel extra close to each other.
  • Feel super good: Find new ways to make each other feel awesome and happy.
  • Remember the fun: The cool things you do together make the best memories.

Benefits of Giving Her an Arousing Ass Massage

Did you know? Ass massages have some awesome benefits too!

  • Relax all the stress away: Say goodbye to stress and hello to feeling super relaxed.
  • Make your body happy: Getting touched in a nice way is like a little treat for your body.
  • Smile more: Doing fun things together means more smiles and happy times.
How to Give Her an Arousing Ass Massage

Oil Her Up: Elevating the Butt Rub Experience

When it comes to rubbing her butt the right way, it’s not about quantity but quality, and a key player in this game is massage oil. Without it, you’re not giving a massage; you’re just doing some casual touching.

The magic of massage oil isn’t just in making the experience more authentic; it amplifies the sensations at least threefold for her – and that’s the ultimate goal. Enhanced sensations not only increase the likelihood of turning her on but also ensure she’ll be asking for more butt rubs in the future.

The added glide isn’t just for her benefit; it makes your job easier too. Now, you can concentrate on what truly matters – employing your best massage moves and revelling in the joy of playing with her butt.

But which oil should you go for?

I swear by the Slow Sex Full Body Massage gel. Why? It boasts a delightful texture, perfect slipperiness, and a lasting effect, making it ideal for all kinds of massages, including the butt.

Setting the Stage for the Perfect Massage

Here are a couple more tips to ensure your massage experience is top-notch:

  1. Prepare Your Space: Lay out something waterproof and comfortable before you dive in. If you go all-in on the massage oil (which you totally should), you might end up with a bit of a mess. Unless you have a fancy massage table, a sex blanket or some towels will do the trick. Or, if you’re feeling extra, invest in a massage table – trust me, it’s worth it.
  2. The Power of Slow Sex Full Body Massage Gel: This magic potion isn’t just for show. Its fantastic texture, superior slipperiness, and long-lasting formula make it a game-changer for all your massage needs, especially when it comes to pampering the derriere.

Exploring the Art of Ass Massages: Take Your Time and Tease

For those who appreciate the finer details of an ass massage, taking things slow is the key to unlocking a world of pleasure. If you’re eager to dive into this intimate territory, remember that patience is your greatest ally.

Being an enthusiast of all things ass-related requires finesse, and building up to the main event is no exception. Treat the massage with a delicate touch initially, focusing on the surface. Begin by rubbing the soft mounds of her cheeks, indulging in the bubbly part of her delightful bubble butt.

As you make your way down the sides, just above her hips, take it easy. Unless she’s expressing a fervent desire for more, invest a good four or five minutes in massaging the outer regions before venturing towards the inner cheeks. Even if you’re well aware of her penchant for such touches, allowing anticipation to build only enhances the overall experience.

Remember, it’s not just about the destination; the journey holds equal significance. By savouring each moment and gradually progressing, you’re not only ensuring her enjoyment but also amplifying the pleasure for both of you.

Direct Anal Stimulation

Now, let’s get straight to the heart of the matter – her adorable little asshole. However, it’s crucial to note that if she’s not comfortable with anal stimulation, respect her boundaries, and focus on other aspects of the massage.

For those who are open to it, providing direct stimulation to the asshole can be a game-changer. The key here is to be confident and unapologetic about it. No need for subtle grazes; she wants genuine affection for this intimate region.

Start by letting your oil-covered hands smoothly glide along it while you continue working on the rest of her beautiful derriere. This initial touch sets the tone for what follows. Gradually progress to rubbing your oiled-up fingers along the area, ensuring a slow and gentle approach – as this is an exceptionally sensitive spot.

The stimulation derived from this can be incredibly pleasurable and holds the potential to majorly turn her on. It also serves as an excellent way to heat things up if you plan to extend the intimacy beyond the massage.

However, the key is balance. Incorporate anal stimulation as part of the overall massage experience; don’t linger exclusively on this area. Remember, variety is the spice of life, and by giving attention to the entire butt, you ensure the massage remains a holistic and enjoyable experience for her.


Ass Massages: From Playful Teasing to Happy Endings

When it comes to ass massages, there are typically two enticing scenarios in play. It’s either a delightful excuse to indulge in the pleasure of teasing and exploring her butt, including a playful fondle around her asshole.

Alternatively, it serves as a thrilling prelude, revving her up for intimate action and preparing her for potential anal penetration.

However, the occasional desire for an anal happy ending might come into the picture. What this entails depends on her preferences and how receptive she is to pleasure derived from anal stimulation.

For a satisfying anal happy ending, consider starting with one finger – whether it’s the index or middle finger is your choice. If she craves a bit more girth, don’t hesitate to introduce both fingers. The key is a gradual and steady approach, regardless of the time spent on warming her up. Emphasize rhythm over speed, as a consistent pace is more likely to lead her to climax.

Always prioritize her preferences. If she desires an intense experience with fervent finger action, accommodate accordingly. On the other hand, if she finds pleasure in using a vibrator or stimulating her pussy simultaneously, encourage her to do so while you focus on pleasuring her ass.

Enthusiasm for giving her pleasure is crucial, but equally important is attentive consideration of her desires. A happy ending, in this context, is only achieved when it aligns with her preferences and desires. So, keep the communication flowing and ensure the experience is tailored to her satisfaction.

Pleasurable Options: The Playful Essence of an Arousing Ass Massage

While I adore ass massages, they tend to be a rare indulgence for me. I lean more towards the delights of pussy massages. When I undress for a full-body massage, the thorough attention my ass receives, especially in my socks, is a delightful experience.

Yet, the occasional ass massage adds a playful twist to the repertoire. It’s a charming way for her to share the intimacy of her posterior, a delightful treat if she happens to revel in anal pleasures.

Moreover, for those curious about venturing into the realms of ass-play, a gentle massage serves as an inviting gateway for exploration.

Mastering the technique is simple, but certain steps hold paramount importance. Familiarizing yourself with these nuances ensures that when the time comes to massage her butt, she’ll be grateful for choosing a butt rub over shoulder kneading.


So, giving your lady an arousing ass massage is like learning a cool trick – it’s all about feeling good and close. Give it a try, and see how much more fun your massage times can be!

What do you think about all this? Share your stories below, and let’s keep the fun talk going!

Frequently Asked Questions about Arousing Ass Massages
Q: How to give an arousing ass massage? â–¼

A: To give an arousing ass massage, use gentle strokes, varying pressure, and communicate with your partner to discover what feels pleasurable. Incorporate sensual touch and pay attention to their responses for a more enjoyable experience.

Q: Are there health benefits to arousing ass massages? â–¼

A: While the primary goal of arousing ass massages is pleasure, they may contribute to overall well-being by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing intimacy between partners.

Q: What are some erogenous zones for arousing ass massages? â–¼

A: Erogenous zones for arousing ass massages include the buttocks, lower back, and upper thighs. Experiment with different touches and sensations to discover what areas are most responsive for you and your partner.

Q: Can couples benefit from mutual arousing ass massages? â–¼

A: Yes, couples can benefit from mutual arousing ass massages as they enhance communication, intimacy, and the overall connection between partners. It provides an opportunity for shared pleasure and exploration.

Q: Are there any precautions to consider during an arousing ass massage? â–¼

A: Yes, consider using a good-quality lubricant, communicating openly with your partner about boundaries and comfort levels, and avoiding excessive pressure. Always prioritize consent and ensure a comfortable environment for both partners.

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